Tuesday, June 6
Who falls for this?

Ah, where to begin?... First of all, let me make it abundantly clear on just how much I hate Spam! And no, I'm not talking about the regurgitated looking, pink, fat congealed concoction that is compressed into a 12 oz. pull-tab can (do not get me started on how gross I think that is). I'm talking about the little annoying number that you try to ignore (you know, right there under your inbox) - the one that just gets bigger everyday until you can't take it anymore and because you have no life at the moment ... you click ... and in comes the bombardment of all useless things ever thought of or invented. I usually just delete them without opening, but today my curiosity got the better of me and I *gasp* opened some.

I've heard stories of these types of emails, but never actually saw one for myself. The gist of most is that they are: wealthy relatives, students stuck abroad, bankers trying to rid themselves of dormant accounts, etc. Most emails are elegantly written, some even give you links so that you can check the validity of their claims, some appeal to your emotions ... and all of them need your help to acquire these millions of dollars of which you will be paid a handsome fee (usually about 33%) if you just send your personal contact information along with your bank account number so that the funds can be transferred---wh,wh,what?!

I haven't the energy to elaborate on the profound stupidity involved with the money-hungry driven motives of the truly gullible, but if you receive any emails with a subject of: 'Your Friend', 'Urgent Reply Needed', 'Trust', or 'Contact Me ASAP', just delete!


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