There were a few lines during the show
that did get a little chuckle out of me. One was by O'Brien when he was going over what not to say when you win. "Don't say, 'Wow, this is heavy.' Of course it's heavy. It contains the shattered dreams of four other people."
The other was by (I think) Greg Garcia (I wasn't really watching, just listening, remember?) the creator of My Name Is Earl. He said that the list of people who he would like to thank was too long so instead he was going to say who he wasn't going to share his Emmy with. At the end of his list he said I'm sure that God is responsible for this in some way,
but you took my hair man and that's just not cool.
And Helen Mirren on her win for Elizabeth I, said
"My great triumph was not falling ass over tit as I walked up here."
I saw the tribute to Dick Clark featuring American Idol judge Simon Cowell, who, received quite a few boos when he walked out on stage.
And then there was a performance by Barry Manilow. And then Manilow won an Emmy. Funny how that works.
I didn't see the Aaron Spelling tribute, but I've now read that
Candy Spelling, wiped away her tears while sitting in the audience next to her son, Randy Spelling. Daughter Tori Spelling was seated separately with husband Dean McDermott. I'm sure that Tori cried for the loss of her
I remember as a teenager I use to eat all of these award shows and celebrity shit up. I looked forward to those red carpet interviews. I just had to know who won, who was there, what was worn, etc. And now, well, I still enjoy the entertainment value that some of you vicariously provide through the tube, but the magic is gone. I could go into a long diatribe about why and how, but I'm going to try (try) to be nice today. Also, I'm tired, being lazy, and just don't have much to say.
So, to whoever reads this, try to enjoy your Manic Monday while you wish it were Sunday cause that's your fun day.
The thing to remember about award ceremonies is that they're insular: it's basically one giant end-of-term industry party that celebrates the majority opinion of a very isolated community of professionals. They're just on TV because they have famous people; otherwise, they're basically a more expensive version of, say, an accounting firm's awards dinner to celebrate the accountants with the least mistakes or the biggest number of new clients. It's all subject to the opinions of fellow professionals. Hard to get worked up about when you see them like that.
True. I used to be interested, but now all awards shows seem superficial. None of the deeds awarded seem meritorious.
I know I used to love all that crap.. That and the Miss America and Miss Universe pagents. I used to imagine I was wearing the big gowns and waving pretty, I even had my own acceptance speeches. Now I can't be bothered......
we change.........
Matt: What RZ said is interesting because it's true.
And hey, it's always fun to pretend right?
SamuraiFrog: I like your point of view comparison, and your use of the word insular :-)
Tumuli: Very superficial.
ShroomMonkey: It's true that we change but I bet you could still give those girls at the pageants a run for their money.
hey sherry-did you know there's an award ceremony giving awards for the best award ceremony-I've seen it it's fucking ridiculous. some people just don't understand irony I suppose.
Just here to big you up-you brighten my day. stay happy
Hey Merlin. I don't think that I've seen or heard about those award shows, pretty redundant. Celebrities ... they just us them as an excuse to party.
I'm glad to see that you are venturing out a little more. That means progress, yes? Anyway, I'm glad to see you. I've missed you. Take care of you.
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