Friday, August 25
Show Me The Money

The news has been all abuzz about the recent, very public contract termination between Tom Cruise and Paramount Pictures. Of course Tom Cruise's oddball behavior and falling popularity haven't helped either. I can almost forgive his couch jumping (love is suppose to be crazy and out of control) (if it's real), but I can't overlook the way that he attacked ones own personal choice when it comes to dealing with health - mental or otherwise. It's okay to have beliefs different from others. That's what makes the world go 'round. It's not okay however, to shove your lifestyle down someone else's throat.
Can you say hypocrite?
Everyone views and practices their faith differently. At the end of the day, what you believe in is the only thing that matters.

Still, this isn’t only a Tom Cruise problem. Paramount’s announcement came after a series of skirmishes between studios and stars: the cancellation of one Jim Carrey film and the postponement of another on the verge of production; the public rebuke by the chief of Morgan Creek, James G. Robinson, of Lindsay Lohan
after excessive partying caused her to miss work; and the studios’ letting lapse at least a half-dozen production deals with stars.

This move is said to be done in an effort for the studio moguls to regain control over actors and their salaries. They wish to return to a time when stars were essentially indentured servants who took straight salaries, had little control over the films they made, and were bound by unconscionably long contracts. Will it hurt them in the long run?
Will other stars refuse to work with Paramount?
I guess time and disposable income will tell.

As for me, Mr. Cruise,
I'm torn. You've become rather adept at creating controversy. And to quote a line from one of your movies: Every now and then say, "What the fuck." "What the fuck" gives you freedom.
So this is me, saying "what the fuck".
I still love you Tom cause
you'll always be Maverick
to me.

But if an alien pops out of you, well,
that'll be another story for another day.
I'll be saying WTF?!
for a completely different reason!


Blogger Tumuli said...

Well said! These days, image rules "the bottom line." Even with the partying and tabloid publicity, Lohan's popularity -- and salary -- soars high.

Mr. Cruise, on the other hand, has lost his status even among his most rabid fans. Not that it matters -- one cannot retain the "golden boy" ticket much past age 40. This IS Hollywood, after all.

Blogger Sherry said...

Tumuli: He had a good run, maybe he'll be able to resurrect his image in a few years - the public, after all, has a short attention span.

Blogger Sherry said...

That was a great movie Matt and is one of my favorite TC works. I didn't forget about it - look at the title of this post. You remember that line right?

Blogger nouseforaname said...

Honestly I think it is all crap- I love Tom Cruise- he needs to regroup and take a year off... he will be back.......

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