- Scratching in public. Men, we do not want to see you "adjusting" your boys. If we see you scratching too much, we start to think that you may have a medical or hygiene problem and we automatically cross you off of our list. AND, if seeing us is the cause for you doing that - try and do it discreetly - otherwise, just excuse yourself and go bust a quick nut.
- Staring. Men, didn't your mommy ever tell you that it's not polite to stare? You can look at me all you want, I'm not coming over to you. If you think you have a shot with me ... you're the one who has gots to works for it.
- Car flirting. Men, really, WTF? As if honking the horn, winking, and doing the head nod with kiss face is going to inspire me to roll down my window and give you my digits - or in your wishful/delusional mind, follow you and pull over. Puhleez!
Phenomenal picture for this post.
I think the car flirting this is an extension of too much pornography as they assume that you will pull over at the next rest stop and get down to business.
But who knew a good stare would not attract a woman like an invisible tractor-beam (sp?)? Learn something new everyday.
Yeah, the pic made me laugh so I thought I'd share.
Too much porn?
I didn't know that those words existed in a mans vocabulary.
Sherrylicious! You go, girl!
Once I was at a red light, and the guy in the car next to me was picking his nose. He noticed me, flicked what I believe was a booger, then mouthed "hello". Nasty!
Everytime I see ball scratching, I think crabs.
Sometimes when I get the "stare", I slack my jaw and mumble "duh..." and the guy thinks I'm a dimwit and looks away.
Great post, love the pic as well!
Oh, Ang ... you had a booger flicked at you? (nasty bastard)
Sometimes I like to give the cross-eyed look to the ones who just don't get it.
What, I pick up all my one night stands from random drive by's or was that the drive through at Taco Bell, ya know whatever...... there are semi cute guys everywhere, corners, crack houses, freeway over passes.....
I thought that I saw a little Shroom-Monkey lurking at Taco Bell the other day (ha).
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