Friday, August 17
The Meme Of Four

SamuraiFrog tagged me with this week. After careful removal of the tag and some recovery time, I'm now ready to answer.

Four jobs I've had or currently have in my life:
1. First job that I ever had was working at Wal-Mart. Despite the horrible reputation that they now have as employers, I had fun. It was my high school job and by the end, a lot of my friends were working there with me.
2. I've worked for AT&T. Boring. It was a call center customer service job.
3. American Express. It was sort of fun. I worked in the Membership Rewards program and got to talk to lots of celebrities. It made me laugh to think that they would even care about getting free goodies.
4. My current job is exciting and frustrating, but if I told you anymore about it, I might be ordered to kill you... heh, heh.

Four countries I have been to:
1. Does Mexico count? The border is non-existent at this point.
2. I've been to Spain. Absolutely beautiful.
3. I've been to France.
4. And Iraq.

Four places I'd rather be right now:
1. Relocated to my office in Chicago.
2. Relaxing anywhere with my Corazon.
3. Manhattan
4. A private beach.

Four foods I like to eat:
1. Frozen Red Grapes. Try it.
2. Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas.
3. Tilapia,. It's fish (in case you didn't know).
4. Cereal. Almost any kind. Even as a snack without any milk.

Four personal heroes, past or present:
1. Alexandre Dumas. Historically accurate or not, his books turned me onto reading at a very young age.
2. William Shakespeare. How can you not love a functioning addict who so elegantly and disturbingly penned his chaotic thoughts?
3. Galileo Galilei. His desire to improve upon Lipperhey's optical instrument is what allowed us to see beyond our own reach.
4. My grandmother. I would not be the person I am today without her.

Four books you've just read or are currently reading.
I haven't had as much free time to read lately and I am very sad about that because I do love getting involved in a good book. I recently cleaned out my closet, getting rid of things that I no longer use and came across some books that I decided to re-read while going to bed.
1. Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
2. The Night Crew by John Sandford
3. Mortal Prey by John Sandford
4. Fiasco by Thomas E. Ricks - New book that I just started.

*New Question* Riddle me this:
If you could spend one day with POTUS, what would you do?
1. Me, personally, I'd knock that little shit-grinning idiot the fuck out!
2. I'd duct-tape him and his mouth to a chair.
3. Happily sign his name to all of the Bills he refuses to acknowledge.
4. Shave his head and make him spend one week in Iraq.

Due to rule changing somewhere along the line, here's where you are suppose to add your own new question.

Tag, you're it!

1. BDS
2. NDM
3. Trisha
4. Tumuli


Blogger SamuraiFrog said...

I'm glad you answered all of those questions. It's always interesting to learn about you. I wish you were all of those places, too.

This was a good and revealing tag. I especially liked your Dumas and red grapes answers, but they were all interesting.

I'll work on this, and try to get it up by mid-week.

Blogger Sherry said...

SamuraiFrog: Thanks for the tag. I like answering these types of questions even if I don't do them often enough. And as far as my places, I put no.1 there for a reason.

2Dollar: You should really try the frozen red grapes. It's a refreshing snack when you live in Texas, and it's healthy too!

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