Election Day Is Tuesday, Nov. 7th
Voting is the easiest way to have the biggest impact with the least amount of effort. If you don't vote, then you aren't allowed to bitch. And don't give me the whole, "There aren't any worthy candidates" spiel, because as always, it comes down to the lesser of the evils.
Elections for the United States House of Representatives will be held on November 7, 2006, with all of the 435 seats in the House up for election.
The House is currently composed of 229 Republicans, 201 Democrats and 1 Independent (who caucuses with the Democrats). There are four vacancies: New Jersey's 13th Congressional District, Texas' 22nd Congressional District, Florida's 16th Congressional District, and Ohio's 18th Congressional District. Republicans currently hold a 28 seat advantage, and Democrats would need to pick up 15 seats to take control of the House, which has had a Republican majority since 1995.
- Click Here For The Official Sites Of The Secretaries Of State And/Or Directors Of Elections In The 55 States And Territories.
- America Votes
- Declare Yourself
- Track The Electoral Vote, Using The Latest State Polls.
- Voting And Elections at FirstGov
- National Voter Hotline
- Rock The Vote
- Project Vote Smart
- Votes Database Lets You Browse Every Vote In The U.S. Congress Since 1991.
Yes, voting is important.
Good luck, America.
Early voting is the way to go as I already cast mine last week, and the lines were still long.
Long but easily worth it. It's time to roll the dice again.
I thought I'd join in and say something glib about how important voting is, but I couldn't think of anything clever, so you and I will leave that to others. Thanks for putting this up, Sherry. I linked to it because you had done half the work for me!
Man With The Fun: Thanks, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
2 Dollar Productions: Early voting is good, more people should do it.
SamuraiFrog: Glad that I could be of some use.
Thanks for the link ;-)
Sexy, intelligent, and opinionated.
A deadly combination.
Heck, you even made me want to go vote, and I'm not even American!
Hey Angela, thanks babe. I wish that more people here in the state were like you, it's a huge deal when we have 50% turn-out. How sad is that?
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