Todays Monday Movie Moment is being replaced with this meme that SamuraiFrog tagged me with last week. Yes, I know I'm slow, but here I go anyway...
Instructions: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom.
1. Confessions of a Sophisticated Writer
2. The Urban Recluse
3. No Smoking in the Skullcave
4. Electronic Cerebrectomy
5. A Result of Destiny
What were you doing ten years ago?
I was off being one of the few and the proud, thinking that I could try and make a difference. Still trying.
What were you doing one year ago?
I was in DC one year ago going through the last of my intense physical therapy due to head trauma that had put me in a coma.
Five snacks you enjoy.* Cheese. I must have been a cartoon mouse in a past life.
* Nuts, all kinds. My favorite are pistachios.
* Grapes. The red seedless ones.
* Popcorn. I love those snack-size microwave bags.* Dove Chocolate. The chocolate is so deliciously creamy and melts perfectly in your mouth.
Five songs to which you know all the lyrics.
Only five? Man, I’ve got some crap ass lyrics in my head that I wish I could erase, but here are some that I actually like:
* Cure: Pictures Of You
* Bob Dylan: Like A Rolling Stone
* Cyndi Lauper: Time After Time
* Shakira: Tu
* U2: With Or Without You
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire.
* Take a sabbatical from my job to spend lots of quality time with my Corazon.
* Buy all of the Limoges boxes that I like.
* Save all the animals that I could from the local shelter.
* Buy all the Disney movies that I could find.* Attempt to purchase, at auction, a Warhol or Kandinsky painting.
Five things you like doing.
* Driving. The openness of the road makes me feel free.
* Listening to music and connecting with the emotions in the rhythm.
* Reading. I haven’t been reading as often as I like lately, but I love getting lost in a good book.
* Taking things apart. I’m curious and I like to see how things work.
* Shopping. Hey, I’m a girl, I like stuff.
Five things you would never wear again.
* Jelly shoes. The person who brought them back this summer should be beaten!
* Footie pajamas.
* Leggings. Unless you are a dancer, why?
* Acid washed denim. Just no.
* Tie dye, it goes hand in hand with acid washed.
Now here is where I'm suppose to tag 5 people, but I don't have 5 people to tag, or I wasn't sure if you would do it or not. So if you read this blog and would like to do this meme, consider yourself tagged.
so, i liked.
That all sounds pretty damn perfect to me, and I hope you get all of that and more. But what's so wrong with footie pajamas? I wear them to Wal-Mart but, you know, just to fit in with the other people shopping in their pajamas.
Deseo todas esas cosas para usted. Las deseo cuanto antes. Espero. Espero.
Webstyle: Thanks.
SamuraiFrog: The problem with footie pajamas is that they are too restricting. I like to be free while I sleep. ;-)
C: Gracias, Corazon. Son para usted tambien.
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