Friday, July 20
Friday Comics Commentary

Thank you, Senate, for making me laugh so hard that I choked on my gum.
A bunch of old men who can't even come to terms with each other, and explain to Georgie-boy what the law actually states, is going to pull an all nighter? Yeah, and I've got some ocean front property in Arizona!

It's okay, you think you've worked hard and now deserve a vacation.

Would somebody please stop this man?
You'd have to volunteer of course
because there's no money left to pay you with.

What the freak is going on with our food? I can't turn on the news without there being another story about some sort of "contamination". Seriously though, is it the food that's the problem or is it that Americans immune systems have been shot to hell by the ease of purchasing and eating processed animal fats? We are becoming a weak species and government standards do nothing to help us.


Blogger Tumuli said...

All valid points. Something is amiss, here and overseas...

Blogger Sherry said...

Indeed there is.

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