While Bush continues to weep over the loss of his only friend, he still finds the time to lend a helping hand for his puppet master's Vice President's friends who are less fortunate... Oh, wait. What he's actually doing is circumventing the law to protect one of his own. (Can you say circumventing, Mr. President?) Bush commuted Libby's sentence, which means that Libby will have a criminal record, but he'll be spared of 2 1/2 years in prison. He will also have to pay a fine of $250,000.00 and be on probation for two years. A commuted sentence actually means that the door for an eventual full pardon has been left open. Want to bet that there won't be half as much press coverage when that pardon goes through?

Six months ago he was considered the GOP front-runner and now, due to lackluster fundraising and excessive spending (McCain's payroll covered 150 staffers. From January through March, McCain spent nearly $1.6 million on salaries, the highest among Republican candidates. Romney was second at $1.1 million and Giuliani spent nearly $900,000.), he only has $2 million left for his campaign. Poor thing, $2 mil doesn't even buy you a decent lunch in DC.
Hey, McCain, here's some straight talk for you -
Drop out of the race already!
Join me, won't you, in bidding him a fond farewell...
Hit the road Jack, and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more. Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more.

Why is everyone making such a big deal about this? Oh, poor Bill Gates, he's no longer the richest man on earth. I think he'll survive. Besides, if you want to get technical about a person's wealth, Gates is still wealthier. He built his own fortune (he didn't inherit it) and contributes to world charities. See Bill, this is what you get for being kind hearted... (I'm being sarcastical, in case you can't tell.) (See, I did it again. Sarcastical, ha.). On the plus side, this is proof that Mexicans are good for things other than making babies and having BBQs on the front lawn every weekend. (Oh shit, did I just say that?). Congratulations, Slim. Try smiling, okay?
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