As I toggle between screens to investigate who is causing my agony, I am confronted with none other than Mr. RedShorts wearing, stomach sucking (in), former Baywatch Lifeguard
David Hasslehoff.
This video is the definition of a pathetic attempt

Why? Why release that here in the U.S.? I’ve heard whispers that you're huge in other countries, like Germany or something (dunno, guessing), but why subject yourself to the ridicule you know is coming from the vicious tinsel-town tarts and us lowly

I'm begging you, please do not release any more of your music.
At least not here in the U.S.
Watch the video here at your own risk and for a good laugh -
it makes B-Movie's look high-tech.
The only time I enjoyed seeing David Hasselhoff in anything was in South Park when Mr. Garrison got plastic surgery done so he could get some poontang. Good episode!
David Hasselhoff is creepy weird...
Mattias:After I stopped my violent retching I watched it again out of morbid curiosity and laughed my ass off!
Angela:I don't think I've ever really liked him in anything. SP is funny though.
He is turning into one of those weird, creepy old guys.
No talent whatsoever.
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