*Results Update Below*
Week 6This week starts off with everyone getting new dance partners and some controversy. First off, the dancers. Since the top ten have been named, I will be posting my favorite dances and only critiquing the ones I didn't enjoy. This week it happens to be Dominic and Jaimie and their version of the Viennese Waltz. The choreographer, for some reason, came up with the idea of adding some Spanish flare to this dance (so wrong) and ended up making this beautiful dance look silly along with the dancers.
As for the controversy, it began with the quirky, yet brilliant Mia Michaels and her choice in clothing. On Wednesday's show, Mia was wearing a Marine dress jacket that had upside down emblems on the sleeves. The Marines took offense at this, being a sign of disrespect, and Mia apologized on Thursday's result show. She stated that she had no idea that the emblem was upside down and did not mean to offend anyone. She was simply wearing the jacket for fashion.
I have a right to be offended by this, but wasn't.
I knew that it was just ignorance from the average civilian who has no knowledge of military standards.
The other apology of the evening was given by Nigel Lithgow on behalf of Wade Robson who choreographed the solo's for the top ten dancers. Wade decided that he wanted to make a statement about "Peace, War, Anti-War." I have no problem with that. What bothered me about it was that an apology had to be made at all. Just because someone is against the war, this war, doesn't mean that they do not support our troops.
It is beyond obvious that the mass majority of us who are opposed to this war are so opposed because our troops are being asked to risk their lives every minute of every day.
That being said, I did not like those solo routines. The choreography was good, but the point of a solo dance is being able to see that dancers individuality. I wanted to scream along with the dancers by the end of the show. Ten exact solo's with slight emotional variances all danced to John Mayer's Waiting On The World To Change ... argh!
Anyway, enjoy the videos!
Lauren and Pasha Do Hip Hop
Sabra and Kameron dance Contemporary
Lacey and Danny and a sexy Samba
Sara and Neil Disco Dance
*Results Show*
It's goodbye to Jaimie and Kameron this week.
My thoughts on:
Weeks 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
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