Today’s Monday Movie Moment is brought to you by
human emotions, my human emotions.
Sunday’s, at the present, are my only lazy days.
It’s the one day that I have to myself.
I decided to spend it doing as little as possible,
which included vegging out and watching TV.
There are days when I find a personal connection and meaning in everything around me, even something so mundane as this movie.
Sunday was one of those days.
Be it the relationship between father and daughter
or the possibility of actually being able to say goodbye,
but this movie touched me yesterday (even though I don't particularly like it)
and I think the following scene is a beautiful wish that we should all be so lucky to find and live out the rest of our lives with.

I thought you were in a meeting.
I am. With you.
Do you love Drew?
There's a start for a meeting.
I know it's none of my business…
No, it's none of your business.
Do you love Drew?
You mean like you loved Mom?
Forget about me and Mom.
Are you going to marry him?
Don't get carried away.
Uh oh…
Susan, you're a hell of a woman.
You've got a great career, you're beautiful…
And I'm your daughter and no man will ever be good enough for me.
Well, I wasn't going to say that.
What were you going to say?
Listen, I'm crazy about the guy.
He's smart, he's aggressive, he could carry Parrish Communications into the 21st century and me along with it.
So what's wrong with that?
That's for me. I'm talking about you.
It's not so much what you say about Drew,
it's what you don't say.
You're not listening.
Oh yes, I am.
Not an ounce of excitement, not a whisper of a thrill,
this relationship has all the passion of a pair of titmice.
Don't get dirty, Dad…
Well, it worries me.
I want you to get swept away.
I want you to levitate.
I want you to sing with rapture and dance like a dervish.
That's all?
Be deliriously happy.
Or at least leave yourself open to be.
'Be deliriously happy'.
I'm going to do my… utmost.
I know it's a cornball thing but love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without.
If you don't start with that, what are you going to end up with?
I say fall head over heels.
Find someone you can love like crazy and who'll love you the same way back.
And how do you find him?
Forget your head and listen to your heart.
I'm not hearing any heart.
Run the risk, if you get hurt, you'll come back.
Because, the truth is there is no sense living your life without this.
To make the journey and not fall deeply in love… well, you haven't lived a life at all.
You have to try.
Because if you haven't tried, you haven't lived.
Aw, you're tough.
I'm sorry.
Give it to me again.
The short version.
Stay open.
Who knows?
Lightning could strike.